Advanced Numerical Critical Thinking Test
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- Numerical test
Require a uniquely crafted numerical reasoning assessment tailored to assess candidates' critical thinking abilities at an advanced difficulty level. The ideal test designer should possess a robust background in numerical skills and a comprehensive grasp of critical thinking metrics. Experience in psychometric testing or candidate assessment would be advantageous.
The test should not feature arithmetic, data interpretation, or logical reasoning problems, as its primary aim is to evaluate critical thinking through numerical reasoning.
With an advanced difficulty level, the test aims to assess candidates' ability to critically analyze intricate numerical problems and provide well-founded solutions. Therefore, meticulous planning and creative construction of test questions are essential. The design should captivate, inspire, and challenge even the most adept individuals.
Any freelancer interested in this project should furnish samples of similar past work. This will ensure their capability to meet our criteria and deliver a numerical reasoning test of advanced level standards.
- Delivery Time 5 Days
- Budget 23,999.00
- Total Service 0
- In Progress 0
- Rating (0)
- Member Since 24 Nov 2023
- Verified User Yes